Everything you need to know about creating multi-million dollar businesses and successful digital platforms.
A lot decisions go into creating a brands voice, and the choice between illustration and photographic can make a huge impact on a brands message. So how do you choose?
If you are designing a digital experience that excludes groups of people, it’s likely going to marginalize your consumer base. While it is important to make sure the design appeals to your ideal consumer, engagement is also important and limiting the number of people who can access your work can hurt your numbers as well.
How do you write user-friendly content that fits within an awesome design? It can be difficult to put into simple words on a subject you know so well. We have some tips and tricks for amazing content writing that fits within a great design.
Okay, so you’ve got BIG ideas for this year for your web platform or app, right? And you’re feeling a mix of overwhelm and excitement? We know that feeling! As business owners, the new year feels like a fresh start, and a time to put your goals into action. So where do you start? And how do you communicate all of your big picture visions to your team without overwhelming them?
The world of typefaces and fonts can be a bit confusing if you’re not super familiar with typography. So, here’s a short guide to help you choose the perfect typeface for every project.
A common myth is that people think they need to have EVERYTHING figured out before taking their concepts to a UI/UX designer. And that is just not true! I don’t know how many times I’ve heard: “I still need to get it all sketched out for you.” A great UI/UX design agency will help you figure out your user flows, concepts and core functions of your app or web platform with you.
One of the biggest hurdles to take on when you’re first starting your company is establishing your brand through designs and colors. It’s a very important step in the development process because it immediately allows your customers to get some first impressions of your work. Take a look at your company right now and ask yourself, “What kind of emotions do I want my audience to feel when they see my site? Playfulness? Professionalism? Happiness?”