The Journey to a Sleek,
User-Friendly Platform Starts here

We’ve helped hundreds of founders grow and scale their website and apps using our processes.

Here’s what we can do for you:



Design &


Design Audits


How it works

Generate more recurring monthly revenue by retaining customers for longer and acquiring new customers with ease!

How it works

Generate more recurring monthly revenue by retaining customers for longer and acquiring new customers with ease!

About us

Iris Design Collaborative specializes in providing an economic solution to designing and building an app optimized for bootstrapped founders with great ideas.⁠

We successfully solve these common frustrations we hear from founders:⁠

How do I show my users the value early on in my app?

Keep it simple! Presenting the value proposition in a carousel or video at the beginning of the app can help users understand your platform as well as a simple and instructive onboarding.

How do I teach my users how to use my platform without overwhelming them?⁠

Don't over-complicate your app by introducing too many features and functions. Think of the first three things you'd want a user to accomplish in the app and why, and present the information to them in that way.

How do I keep users coming back again and again?⁠

Great user experience will keep your users coming back again and again! Each time they log in, give them a reward or a serotonin boost and they will surely come back into the platform. A reward can be external like a badge or star, or internal like feeling better once completing something in the app — it can also be both!

How do I create a brand identity that helps acquire more users?⁠

Think of three adjectives that describe your brand. Now, create a mood board or vision board using these three adjectives. This is the beginning of your "why" and your brand identity that will drive all of your branding decisions.

In fact, our methods have helped hundreds of founders build and scale apps that generated millions and continue to grow. ⁠

We successfully solve these common frustrations we hear from founders:⁠

How do I show my users the value early on in my app?

Keep it simple! Presenting the value proposition in a carousel or video at the beginning of the app can help users understand your platform as well as a simple and instructive onboarding.

How do I teach my users how to use my platform without overwhelming them?⁠

Don't over-complicate your app by introducing too many features and functions. Think of the first three things you'd want a user to accomplish in the app and why, and present the information to them in that way.

How do I keep users coming back again and again?⁠

Great user experience will keep your users coming back again and again! Each time they log in, give them a reward or a serotonin boost and they will surely come back into the platform. A reward can be external like a badge or star, or internal like feeling better once completing something in the app — it can also be both!

How do I create a brand identity that helps acquire more users?⁠

Think of three adjectives that describe your brand. Now, create a mood board or vision board using these three adjectives. This is the beginning of your "why" and your brand identity that will drive all of your branding decisions.

In fact, our methods have helped hundreds of founders build and scale apps that generated millions and continue to grow. ⁠

Our clients love us