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Everything you need to know about creating multi-million dollar businesses and successful digital platforms.

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Hiring a Design Agency vs. an In-House Designer

We know hiring a designer for your app or software is a long-term investment. You want someone who will be there for you through and through! So, how do you find the best fit for you that meets all of your needs? You can go through a hiring process to find someone (which typically takes 1-3 months and then another 1-3 months for them to get acquainted), or you can hire an agency on a rolling month-to-month basis.

Create a User Friendly App Workbook

Have you ever had an experience with an app where you’re like “Oh wow! That is so cool?” There are all sorts of apps that we use to improve and change our daily life, from fitness apps to finance apps, software is core to the actions we take in our lives. So how do you create those amazing apps? Well, there’s a lot to it, but this workbook will help you to identify how to make your app user friendly and impactful so customers keep coming back to the app they love.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating a Meaningful and Impactful App

Have you ever had an experience with an app where you’re like “Oh wow! That is so cool?” It’s these amazing moments that change lives and behaviors. So, how do you cultivate these moments in your app and create a platform that everyone loves to use and come back to?

How Founders Save Time and Money in App Development

If you’re a founder, CEO or manager of any online platform, then you know this sentence all too well “it’ll be simple, just one extra screen!” — I have a truth bomb for you, it never is just ONE extra screen! So, how do you figure out if the new feature idea you have is actually in fact SIMPLE or DIFFICULT?

Avoid the #1 Mistake That Founder Make: Starting Development Before Design

Think of UI/UX designers as the architects of the building — they say what goes where and they provide a blueprint. Developers and engineering are the construction of the home. Remember, both experts have points of view in different areas, so it’s important to weigh these and do what is ultimately best for your business.

Creating a Great Foundation for Your Website or App

Building a product is a HUGE undertaking (similarly is buying a home, coincidentally!). Both require capital, a plan and a great foundation.

How to Make Your Website or App Stand Out with Color

There’s a ton of different ways to make your website or app standout — but one of the biggest (and most obvious ways) is through your branding.‍ This is why picking your color palette is one of the first and biggest things you can do to standout when you’re starting out.
